There is no substitute for visually reviewing every violation like we do

Why Visual Review is Essential

Violations called by multiple refs

15-20% of violations are called by two or more refs, which is only detectable through visual review. This makes a big difference in getting serious precision.

Accuracy & Granularity

Official play-by-play records aren’t always correct.  Visual review of every violation ensures better accuracy.  We also break out “obvious” fouls from “discretionary” fouls to get a more accurate depiction of each referee’s tendencies on judgment calls.

Illegal screens

We break out which refs call illegal screens, a very important violation not provided in official scoring.

News & Press

ESPN The Magazine

In the June 9th, 2014 issue of ESPN the Magazine, writer Peter Keating featured our work in his weekly “Numbers” column.

USA Today

A couple of weeks after the 2014 Sloan Conference, USA Today’s Sam Amick wrote an article about new NBA commissioner Adam Silver’s stance on being more transparent about NBA officiating. …

Sloan Conference and ESPN

The 2014 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference selected our research paper as one of the top 16 papers from over 300 submissions. Consequently, ran a feature article on our …